Monday, September 3, 2012

help required apply within.....

In the era of text and email receiving a card via (god forbid) snail mail are few and far between, and often it is easier to buy a card than make one..... but I know which one I would rather receive how about you?

So I had a thought about milking all those talented card makers in our midst to help me get some ideas and build up a stash of cards so I am no longer buying a store card, thus making my husband happier, because he huffs and puffs that I have a room full of s(crap) and I still buy cards.

Design team requirements....

Scrapjack will give you the occasion and you will give us the inspiration...(hehehehheheh) In the form of one card (and possibly a gift set once in a while)

Easy-peasy really.

If you are interested please send me a photo of three cards that you are most proud of and ones that show off your strengths in design, creativity and style... You don't need to be famous, published or even have a blog, just a love of making cards and sharing it with our growing little community.

So what do you say , Do you fit our bill?

Look forward to getting some inbox mail soon....

email your applications to ..........



  1. I have only started making cards, so I feel a bit too new at designing them, but will look forward to seeing what I can scrap jack!

  2. Thanks for the opportunity! I have just sent you an email.

    Nicky xo
